Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What is happening with the world???

For people that have known me for a long time, what I am about to share with you is a BIG DEAL. 
I made steaks last night for dinner, beef loin tri tip steaks to be exact... and not just for B... I made these with the full intentions of eating it.  Oh. My. Goodness.  What is happening with the world?  Six months ago I wouldn't have considered this and yet here we are now.  They turned out okay.  I surely did not really know what I was doing so I guess for this time around all that matters is that I tried! 
Catherine's steak smothered in mushrooms and onions & Brian's just plain Jane. 

The original plan with dinner was homemade paleo chicken 'noodle' soup.  I found that recipe here
I started out by heating the dutch oven and adding some coconut oil.  I noticed that we were all out of chicken broth (I am not about to boil bone or carcass or anything of the sort.  I would most likely throw up in doing/touching/seeing this process so I stick with pre-made broth and AM NOT ASHAMED!) so I had to find an alternate... that's is where Sprouts beef broth came in handy. 
I love Sprouts.  That's another blog for another day though...

We used carrots, celery, zucchini squash and yellow squash.  I did not have parsley so we went without and didn't notice a thing about it.  I did add the egg at the end for the "noodles" and would most likely leave that out next time.  All in all, it was good and an adventure in cooking. 

On another note, can anyone tell I'm a fan of TEXAS?  (And traveling... shout out to Veeves and our Bulgaria/Turkey extravaganza too!)   


  1. Loving your cast iron, your trivets and your ambition. And looks like I'll never be able to eat at your house again! Except the mushrooms & veggies - just a big plate of those will do!

  2. Veggie galore still at my house, sister!! Don't you worry! You will be well feed, I promise!
