Friday, March 30, 2012

My Paleo journey

So... a little over a month ago I was in Austin with some of my favorite people ever. A couple of my friends that I hadn't seen in a long while looked absolutely amazing. Because I can be tacky and speak my mind I had to have a thorough understanding of how they were making this happen successfully. I have struggled over the last 5(ish) years of weight yo-yo-ing. They both are living "Paleo" and were doing Crossfit. My interest was peaked after talking with them. I started doing some online research to learn more about it (the Paleo... not so much the Crossfit). One of my coworkers in Phoenix was also doing Paleo along with his family and had lost a good amount of weight and was talking about how good each of them feels!  He recommended that I check out Everyday Paleo and start from there.

I've lost 8 pounds within the first month. I think this is from cutting out the breads and cheese. I decided to restart the blog to try to hold myself more accountable to this (my old one still exists at here.  I also figured I could add the recipes that I try along the way since I have found some really yummy foods that I never thought I would like.  I must confess up front though... these recipes will most likely be created by me.  I love to cook and bake but I am not that gifted where I can create something all on my own.  I will do my absolute best to document where I got the recipes from! 

One of my bestest friends ever, Chez, introduced me to Pinterest while I was in Austin and I am a FAN! I have found a lot of great Paleo recipes on it and I am thankful to have a place to 'store' all of the online recipes I find. I found this recipe online and thought I would give them a try. The ones I made are not near this pretty but they taste deli!!

Morale of the story, I will do my best to update this blog more than every two years with recipes and what's going on with the Goode-Wicks of Tucson.


  1. I'm looking forward to reading more!

    You need to give everyone the link to this blog on Facebook, though. The link was not visible to me on the old blog, so I was glad I remembered "cgwick!"

  2. It' on Facebook now Vic!! Thanks for being the first to comment!! :)
